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Montessori, BF Homes, Las Pinas, School, Education

Maria Montessori, a pioneering Italian physician, dedicated her entire life developing a highly integrated, internationally acclaimed educational program that expands children’s whole personality through motor, sensory, social and intellectual activities.  She advocated that children possess an absorbent mind from birth to 6, a reasoning mind from ages 6 to 12, and they undergo sensitive periods that help in acquiring specific skills. Properly guided by scientifically trained directresses/directors, children acquire facility and store knowledge indefinitely. Dottoressa Montessori devised a wide range of didactic materials, and created a prepared environment designed to meet every aspect of children’s active need to discover and learn.


Montessori education is the original developmentally appropriate approach to helping children, using research-based methods to maximize their learning potential.  The Montessori model, which spans a century and a global community, weaves the curriculum into a fine fabric of sequenced exploration and investigations. The Montessori approach is a help to life, endowing children with a cosmic view of his world that paves the way to a smooth transition into secondary and tertiary studies.

"The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind."

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